Perspective-taking in argumentative discourse–441



linguistics, perspective-taking, argumentation, pragma-dialectics, fallacy, appeal to emotion


It is widely known how important perspective-taking (PT) ability is in social interaction. The argumentation process, being a kind of social interaction, also requires the use of PT from disputants. The goal of this study is to demonstrate the functions of the human cognitive ability to take the perspective of others in argumentative discourse. The study is based on an interview conducted by Richard Dawkins with Wendy Wright. Both interlocutors present diametrically opposed views on the theory of evolution and intelligent design. To analyse the interview in the framework of argumentation theory, Pragma-dialectics served as a method for establishing and distinguishing fallacies and their interpretation. Mental reconstruction of the appeal to emotion fallacy assisted to identify the function of PT in using the fallacious argument. As a result, it has been illustrated that the PT capability has at least two functions in the argumentation process: the General (Conceptual) function — basic mechanisms to maintain communication; and the Differential (Operational) function — in providing arguments in general and in utilising fallacious arguments, i.e., appeal to emotion fallacy.



Richard Dawkins Interviews Creationist Wendy Wright, 23.03.2013. URL: [Дата обращения: 17.06.2020]

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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics