Borrowings in russian cosmetic and medical advertising texts–420



medicine, cosmetology, borrowings, advertising text, globalization, vocabulary, methods of translation


The article represents the features of the use of borrowed vocabulary in Russian-language cosmetic and medical advertising texts. Moreover, the reasons for the frequent use of Anglicisms are explained here, and the most frequently used examples of borrowings in aforementioned topics are highlighted. In particular, the article presents the presuppositions for the analysis of high-quality advertising text. On the example of borrowed lexical units, the most common ways of translating borrowed vocabulary are determined, and an analysis of the ways of translating borrowed vocabulary of a foreign language into Russian is given. As a result of the study, the reasons for the emergence and spread of borrowed vocabulary were determined. The key roles of the globalization process and the influence of this process on the course of replenishment of the Russian-language lexicon are formulated. The article paid attention to the issue of the influence of English-language borrowings on the original Russian language and an attempt to combine the positive and negative opinions of linguists and philologists on this issue into one conclusion. The article provides a sufficient number of modern examples of the use of borrowings in selected areas, most of the studied vocabulary was extracted from advertising passages of cosmetic products or medical services.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics