Comparative analysis of feminine sports agents in russian and english–408



agentive, feminine, onomasiology, semantics, sports names, English, Russia


The main purpose of this article is to compare the feminine sport agentives in Russian and English. The comparison of lexemes is made on the basis of semantic, structural and onomasiological analysis. The research is based on the online sports publications "Chempionat", "Sport-Express", "RIA Novosti - Sport", "Sport", "RIA Novosti - Mediabank", "Give me sport", "The Telegraph", "Global News", "The New York Times", "Forbes Woman", "The Blueprint", etc. The relevance of the article is dictated by the increased attention of researchers to the issue of feminine agents in general and, at the same time, by the absence of separate works devoted directly to feminine sports agents in the comparative aspect. In Russian, female correlates of sports names are a special group, since sport is a sphere where women and men are equally represented, and the formation of female correlates is especially relevant. In English, on the other hand, female athletes are denoted in other additional ways. During the study, semantic, morphological and onomasiological analysis methods were applied, the names were classified according to 1) morphological and 2) onomasiological aspects, respectively, in order to identify the similarities and differences of the names.  



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics