The extensive use of Chinese and English kinship terms: a comparative study



kinship term, extensive use, Chinese language, English language, semantics, pragmatics, cultural connotation


The article deals with the comparative analysis of the extensive use of kinship terms in Chinese and English languages. Extensive use is defined as the use of the kinship term towards a non-relative person. The aim of the research is to conduct a comparative study of the extensive use of the Chinese and English kinship terms from the point of view of the theory of semantics, pragmatics and relationship between language and culture, using the methodology of comparative and contextual analysis. The obtained results allowed us to determine the culturally specific features of the extensive use of Chinese and English kinship terms. Therefore, kinship terms are studied not only as a language phenomenon, but also as a result of the development of the society and as a symbol of social culture.

The research demonstrates the complex and strict system of kinship terms in the Chinese language and discusses the key similarities and differences from the extensive use of kinship terms in the English language. Examples are provided demonstrating the extensive use of kinship terms under the influence of social and cultural factors. We prove that the extensive use is represented considerably more broadly in Chinese compared to English. The significance of the obtained results is seen in the evolution of intercultural communication practices in order to avoid misunderstanding and communicative failures.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics