Film dialogue as a linguistic system of film text



film text, film dialogue, diegesis, oral-verbal and written-verbal components, diegetic and non-diegetic elements


The article is focused on the consideration of the components of the film text. According to modern research, the film text includes two semiotic systems, namely, linguistic and non-linguistic. The linguistic system is identified with the concept of the “film dialogue”, which is also called a verbal component of the film text. The structure of the film dialogue in this article is analyzed from the point of diegesis, according to which in the film dialogue there are oral-verbal and written-verbal components. They in their turn are divided into diegetic, those which belong to the inner world of the screen work, and non-diegetic elements, which are external and brought about. On the example of the English-language American film Locked Down, the authors analyze the structure of the film dialogue and the combination of its various elements. The diegetic oral-verbal elements of this film text are represented by the dialogical and monologue speech of the characters, the reading of poetry and the song performed by the main character. The non-diegetic elements of the oral-verbal component include off-screen monologues and comments, songs, the text of which would be heard only by the viewer, but such elements were not found in this film. The film text contains written-verbal diegetic components, namely advertisements on shops and cars, brand names, notes at the workplace, subtitles on television. The non-diegetic component of this film dialogue is found in the end credits. The film dialogue of this feature film is mostly presented by a conversational style, but as the plot develops we come across the elements of journalistic and official styles.



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Philological studies. Languages of peoples of foreign countries