Language Technology Tools in Translation Quality Assurance



quality assurance, automated quality assurance, computer assisted/ aided translation tools, translation memory tools, language resources, language technology


The article summarizes a brief description of linguistic tools applied by localization agencies and professional translators: cloud services, evaluation metrics, terminology management, standalone Quality Assurance tools or integrated into Translation Memory databases and Computer Assisted/AidedTranslation tools. The functions and features of QA-tools reviewed in the paper imply accurate analysis of the particular context and active involvement of the translator while verifying the quality of a translation. Automated quality assessment tools prove useful eliminating formal (formatting) mistakes considerably reducing the time required for the monotonous repetitive process of proofreading and correction. Automated QA-methods are the main research topic of computational linguistics and language technologies (or natural language processing) along with language modelling, machine translation, natural language understanding and generation, automatic text summarization and data retrieval. The subject, methods, goals and approaches of Computational Linguistics as an interdisciplinary field of Digital Humanities are a matter of contoversy and considerable interest, thus encouraging further discussion on the topic.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics