Use of Vocabulary Denoting Mental States in the News Discourse of German Online Media



emotion, mental state, lexical unit, German news discourse


The article is devoted to the study of lexical units denoting emotions and mental states used in the coverage of socio-political events in German-language online media. The sources were information messages Deutsche Welle (until 2022), SPIEGEL, Das Erste, Tagesschau, Morgenpost, Learngerman. The material was 24 lexical units: 18 nouns, 1 adjective, 4 participles, 1 verb. The study analyzed proposals in German with lexical units Schock (‘shock’), Entsetzen (‘horror’, ‘harsh rejection’), Sorge (‘concern’), Bestürzung (‘embarrassment’, ‘confusion’, ‘numbness’, ‘shock’, ‘confusion’), Schande (‘shame’), Besorgnis (‘concern’, ‘fear’), Verachtung (‘contempt’, ‘neglect’), Skepsis (‘doubt’, ‘skepticism’), Erleichterung (‘relief’), Zurückhaltung (‘restraint’), Empörung (‘resentment’, ‘outrage’), Unsicherheit (‘uncertainty’), Schreck, Schrecken (‘horror’), Wut (‘anger’, ‘rage’, ‘anger’), Trauer (‘sadness’), Angst (‘fear’), Hilflosigkeit (‘helplessness’), Schuldgefühl (‘guilt’), empört (‘outraged’, ‘indignant’), abstoßend (‘disgusting’, ‘repulsive’), schrecklich (‘terrible’), besorgt (‘disturbed’), schockiert (‘shocked’), bedauern (‘regret’). Only one lexical unit has a positive connotation – Erleichterung (relief), All other express negative emotions and mental states of high intensity. The analysis confirmed the assumption that the vocabulary denoting emotions and mental states is used primarily in reports of sad, tragic events. The purpose of using such lexical units is to enhance the effect produced on the recipient. In the future, the studies carried out can be supplemented with a comparative study of lexical units denoting emotions and mental states in modern news reports and information materials of the second half of the 20th century, in order to identify similarities and differences.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics