Translation problems of filmonimes on the material of the English and Russian languages


  • Dinara Sayakhova


film names, onomastics, lexical features, grammatical features, linguistic- stylistic analysis, Russian cinema headlines, American cinema headlines


This article describes the lexical and grammatical peculiarities of the headlines of Russian and American cinema films (Russian equivalents) and their linguistic features when translated into another language. The significance of this topic is defined by the fact that today in mass communication the names of famous films are actively functioning; they are often used in newspaper   journalism.   They   can   constitute   an   important    component   of   the   lexical and phraseological unity of the language in the media space (headlines on the Internet, television and radio broadcasting, newspaper articles). The aim of the research is to arrange for linguo-stylistic analysis of filmonimies as an object of onomastics. Based on a comparative and philological analysis   of empirical   material, the article presents conclusions about the linguistic features of the cinema headlines.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication