Communicative strategy of discrediting Russia used in German media covering the events in Ukraine (March-May 2022)



discrediting, communicative strategy, communicative tactics, evaluation, author, article


Political linguistics is a relatively new branch of philological science in Russia. It is actively and productively developing at present, enriching the humanities and social sciences with its achievements. The results of research in thefield of political linguistics are in demand not only in philology but also in such areas of knowledge as political science and sociology. The article considers the question of communicative strategy of discrediting in modern German political discourse. The research material is presented by articles published in the well–known German newspapers and magazines: “Focus”, “Handelsblatt”, “Tageszeitung”. These articles are devoted to the assessment of events in Ukraine in March – May 2022. The author establishes that one of the main communicative strategies in the speech genre of "article" in the German media discussing the problem of relations with Russia is a strategy of discrediting. This fact is explained by the sender’s communicative intention to inflict maximum damage to the reputation of his opponent – the Russian Federation, to turn public opinion against its leadership, to justify modern foreign policy of Germany. The linguistic analysis of mass media’s texts shows the evaluative attitude of journalists, experts, state and political figures of Germany to the events in Ukraine, value orientations of the Western civilization’s representatives, as well as means of linguistic manipulation of the readers' minds used by them. The strategy of discrediting in the German media is implemented through a number of communicative tactics. The most commonly used are tactics of accusations, insult and highlighting the negative information. The reader is offered a justification for their active use by experts, journalists, German politicians and statesmen. The author of the article reveals main lexical-stylistic and syntactic-stylistic means that are used to convey communicative strategy of discrediting in speech.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics