Language representation of the results of the еlections in Italy in British, German and Italian mass media


  • Доржиева Dorzhieva
  • Elena Universalyuk


mass media text, parliamentary elections, “Brothers of Italy” party, Giorgia Meloni, language representation


The authors analyze the coverage of the results of the parliamentary elections in Italy in 2022 in reputable mass media in Great Britain, Germany, and Italy. The aim of the authors was to study the attitude of journalists in different countries towards the results of the elections. The journalist’s position on the covered event should be impartial. Nevertheless, the authors of articles on the results of the elections often use emotionally coloured evaluative vocabulary, grammatical constructions (for example, Konjunktiv, absolute superlative degree) and stylistic devices (metaphors, epithets, allusions) in order to represent it to the disadvantage of the party that won. The texts of the articles are marked by implicitly and quite often explicitly expressed aggressive tonality. The authors widely use quotations and refer to authoritative opinions, label people and facts and create threatening emotional images to make readers' mistrust the new government. In order to obtain their goal, namely to create an extremely negative image of Giorgia Meloni and the representatives of her party, the authors of the articles also select facts very carefully and use specific techniques to present information. The results of the research can be used to study newspaper texts and linguistics of discourse.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics