The topic of immigration in German-language documentary dramaturgy (on the example of M. Obexer’s play “illegal helpers”)



European Drama, Documentary Play, illegal migrants, refugees, Obexer


The theme of migrants in Europe in general and in Germany in particular has been relevant in the past few years more than ever. A large number of migrant authors in different generations put this problem at the forefront of their creativity. However, it is somewhat of a taboo theme among EU native authors. It is interesting that even if they address the topic of migration, they consider it not from the point of view of migrants themselves, but the attitude of Europeans towards them. For example, Maxi Obexer creates her documentary play Illegal Helpers with the help of interviews with Austrians, Swiss and German who help refugees. The characters help because of various motives, while breaking the law. It turns out that helping illegal migrants is important not in itself, but as a kind of protest against the state. In addition, the theme of Nazism is crucial. They draw a parallel with the past of Europe, when many Europeans had to hide from the authorities.



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• Philological studies. Literature of the peoples of the world