Interaction of teachers and students in the digital educational environment in the process of teaching a professional foreign language



pedagogical interaction, higher education, professional foreign language, igital educational environment


The process of digitalization of higher professional education actualizes the need for theoretical understanding and justification of the established and sustainable pedagogical phenomenon of interaction between participants in the educational process in the new conditions. The State standard of higher education requires a modern graduate to have a high level of competence in foreign language communication. Therefore, improving the quality and efficiency of the educational process is currently an important part of the educational process at the university. Pedagogical interaction, as a structural component of the educational system, which allows increasing the level of students` knowledge of a foreign language, is becoming an object of growing scientific interest. The purpose of the article is to reveal the level of students` motivation for the interaction with teachers in foreign language lessons at the university, considering work in a digital educational environment. Methods of studying, generalizing, analyzing pedagogical literature and pedagogical experience were used in the study as well as the method of questionnaire survey. As a result of the study, empirical data on the students` motivation to interact with teachers in the digital educational environment of the university were obtained; the concept, the essence, the structure and specifics of the interaction between teachers and students in the process of teaching a foreign language were clarified. The materials of the article can be useful for undergraduates, graduate students, researchers in the field of pedagogy.



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• Pedagogical studies. Theory and methodology of training and education