Structural and semantic peculiarities of eponym terms of general physics in the English and Russian languages


  • Khanif Makayev
  • Guzal Makayeva


eponym, structural and semantic peculiarity, linguistic, antroponym, term, General Physics


The article provides a comparative analysis of some structural and semantic peculiarities of eponym terms   of General   Physics in   the English and Russian languages. The relevance of the topic is in a considerable discrepancy in the structure, meanings and ways of reflection   of   eponyms   and   eponymic   term   combinations   in   the   analysed   languages and in the necessity of their consideration for making some possible contribution to terminology science. Some structural and semantic differences of the same eponym terms in both languages may cause difficulties in their perception and intertransition. The main approach to conducting research into the issue considered in the work was the comparative approach. The research of the differences of the lexical units revealed some linguistic peculiarities of eponyms in General Physics.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication