Specification of Construction a Structural-semantic Model of a Semantic-syntactic Frame




frame, proposition, terminal, term, circonstant, predicate, narrative


This article is devoted to the issues of constructing a structural-semantic model of a semantic-syntactic frame, in which are generally displayed the parameters of the first two levels of terminals. In this article, we outlined the principles of constructing a general model of the semantic-syntactic frame DEPARTURE as example. As the research material were the Russian novels of the second half of the XX century. The DEPARTURE frame in the researching narrative is plot-forming, it functioning as a structural element of the plot and integrating into a chain of other plot-forming frames. Our choice of the DEPARTURE frame as an object of research is conditioned by frequency and regularity of its occurrence in the literary narrative as a whole. The construction of structural-semantic models of frames is included in a number of tasks of the system description of the predicate-frame organization of the literary narrative, because it is this kind of model that demonstrating the actual content and organization of the frame, describes its components of different levels: terms, predicates, including nuclear ones, propositions and sirconstants. Confirmed, that despite the universality of the nuclear predicates including the first terminal of the frame DEPARTURE, which are describing the main situation of the frame, however, the most widely represented the terminals of the second level, which are not defined only by the semantics of the nuclear predicate. The obtained data can be used to building a computer programs for deep recognizing of the text in the future.



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Philological studies. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics