Military vocabulary as a special element of lexical system of the language


  • Durdu Biderkesen


военная лексика, военная терминология, военная терминосистема, военный термин, военная терминосфера


This article is dedicated to one of the most pressing topics in the modern world – military vocabulary, often used in the media, thanks to the rapid scientific and technological progress, advanced weapons technologies, as well as frequent military conflicts. In connection with the definition of the concept “military terminological system”, the issue of defining the key concept “terminological system” is discussed, one of the main conditions for the existence of which is the systematic nature of the elements. The author also considers the conditions that ensure the consistency of terminology, the conditions for the formation of terminological systems, as well as its main features.The article analyses the existing definitions of the concept “military vocabulary”, concludes that it is precisely the terminological units that form the basis of military vocabulary, and various classifications of military vocabulary based on identifying certain significant aspects of the military branch are considered. In addition, the article highlights such concepts as “military terminology”, “military terms system”, “military term” and “military terms sphere”. Besides to the definitions of the concepts under consideration, the author focuses on the characteristics of these terms, as well as on their distinctive features. The article concludes that military vocabulary can be considered political markers of the present time.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication