“The beast's stream of consciousness” оf Сhingiz Aitmatov and Akhsan Bayanov: dialogue with the ethnic artistic tradition


  • Daniya Zagidullina


Chinghiz Aitmatov, Ahsan Baiyanov, Turkic literatures, return to national sources, «Stream of consciousness», «The Beast's stream of Consciousness»


The use of «the stream of consciousness» approach to animals in the work of Chingiz Aitmatov and Akhsan Bayanov allows to trace some aspects of the transformation of  social realism in the «thaw period» which in Turkic-speaking literatures was marked by a return to national origins. The first signs of the transformation of socialist realism marked by return to national sources are observed in stories by A. Eniki of military years: the prose writer attentively watches thought process of the certain hero put in conditions of tough examinations, addresses to the approach of «a consciousness stream», on history of the hero as an author's position the philosophical assessment of the world expressed by construction of images to symbol level is imposed. Similar transformations are observed in Chinghiz Aitmatov's creativity of the 1950‑1960th. Their works tell about the Person, offering the analysis of his state of mind in exchange to the socialist realism biography; using in creation of images of all main heroes the methods of psychologism, and even psychoanalysis and «a consciousness stream», provides earlier unprecedented emotional impact on the reader in Turkic literatures. Statement of national problems at the level of universal becomes one more general feature of creativity of two prose writers. Both of them connect a problem of saving human in the person, saving by the person of the «I» – with need of saving of communications with traditions, historical roots, ethnos. Further transformations in prose have been connected with their appeal to structure of epic legends of the Turkic people which allowed to put in a uniform picture of the world – life of separately taken person, a picture of «construction of socialism», a condition of human spirit and future mankind.In the work of Ch.Aitmatov and A. Bayanov an artistic picture of the world is formed. It is fundamentally different from that which broadcast literature of socialist realism for decades. The works of these writers that are free from ideologically biased views on the peace and fate of peoples revealed the role of national traditions, presented the richest experience of folk life, peculiarities of life style, norms of behavior, mentality of Turkic peoples, they managed to give the status of universal human to national values. The comparison of their creativity makes it possible to understand the scale of the revival processes that took place in the national literature of the USSR in the second half of the 20th century.


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Literary criticism