Positive and Negative Factors of the Distance Learning Format of English Language Students of a Technological University




English language, innovative technologies, distance learning, forms of education, students of a technological university, teachers of foreign languages


The relevance of the presented work lies in the current social conditions not only in our country, but in the world, requiring a revision of the format of the organization and implementation of the educational process: the transition from full-time to a combined format - with the introduction of elements of innovative technologies, distance form of teaching disciplines. In this regard, the study of foreign languages in higher educational institutions has undergone a number of changes. Today, both teachers of foreign languages and the students themselves cannot imagine the educational process without the use of information and communication technologies. The article discusses the specifics of learning English in a technological university, provides positive characteristics that make it possible to increase the efficiency of the process under study; based on their own teaching experience, a list of shortcomings of the distance learning format is given, which reduce the success of students in mastering speech skills in the field of professional communication. The author provides an analysis of the prospects for leveling the negative factors of using innovative technologies in the process of teaching English, the problems of motivating students to speech activity, to a greater manifestation of independence and responsibility when performing practical tasks in the target language; the psychological barriers arising from the interaction of teachers and students at a distance are studied.



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• Pedagogical studies. Theory and methodology of training and education