Peculiarities of training specialists of oil and gas complex enterprises on the basis of digital technologies–428


  • Alisher Irismetov


engineer, oil and gas complex, information modeling, training complexes


The relevance of the presented research is due to the transition of the market economy to a digital format, which determined the innovative modernization of industrial enterprises in the oil and gas complex, led to a change in the set of requirements for the professional qualifications of specialists. The purpose of the article is to determine and consider the effectiveness of the use of interactive technologies in the process of training students in advanced training programs for a technical profile. The authors have analyzed the domestic and foreign experience of colleagues in the application of innovative teaching methods; based on their own practical experience, the conditions for optimizing the educational process through the use of training complexes have been established; the obtained results are studied. The following are identified as priority areas in the development of digital industrial security technologies at oil and gas facilities: employee training (interactive training through VR), automation of production processes, video surveillance and video analytics, biometrics, recognition, movement monitoring and positioning, artificial intelligence, integrated solutions, computer simulators, information modeling, peripheral computing, etc. On the basis of the work done, the undoubted advantages of using training complexes in the process of training employees of oil and gas facilities have been established: a high degree of student involvement; «presence effect» in an identical problem situation; interactive nature; maximum immersion in a problem situation; isolation of the user from external stimuli; the ability of the teacher-trainer to control and coordinate the actions of the student.



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Pedagogical Sciences