Art criticism discourse: specificity and classification–359


  • Natalia Olomskaya
  • Anna Bazhan


language, functions of language, interpretation, dualism, institutional type, art criticism discourse


This article is devoted to the specifics of art historical discourse. The article emphasizes and substantiates the idea that the interpretive nature of this discourse and its dualistic nature are the main characteristics of art historical discourse. Attention is drawn to the growing interest in the study of this type of discourse, its relevance as an intersectoral direction is emphasized and its (art historical discourse) features, classification and linguistic functions are analyzed. In the course of the study, an analysis of the theoretical material of leading Russian scientists - linguists in the studied discursion field was carried out. The main direction of research is structuring the available data on the features and classification of this discourse and understanding its nature. The empirical basis of the study consists of various fragments of art history discourse in all its stylistic diversity. This study raises the topic of the relevance of interest in the field of art and, as a result, in art history discourse.



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