Pedagogical model of teaching a foreign language in the inclusive educational environment of the modern school



inclusion, educational technology, foreign language, pedagogical model, teaching, communication, interaction


The paper covers the issueof implementing the pedagogical model of teaching a foreign language in an inclusive educational environment of a modern school, which is based on the fundamental ideas and principles of inclusive pedagogy.The relevance of this article is due to the increased attention on the part of the world scientific and pedagogical community to the search for effective technologies for the practical implementation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of inclusion that contribute to the successful socio-psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of children with special educational needs.The specifics of learning in the context of inclusive education, in particular children with special educational needs, is to take into account the wide range of needs of each child, increase attention to forecasting and remove difficulties in the education process, which requires flexibility and creativity on the part of the teacher in choosing strategies and learning technologies. The authors of the article focus on the issues of the research of effective inclusive technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language and their experimental testing in schools of the Republic of Tatarstan. The key results of the research are the developed pedagogical model that contributes to the to the formation and development of social and communication skills in children; pedagogical conditions for the development of these skills; criteria for the development of social and communication skills of children with special educational needs.



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Pedagogical Sciences