To the question of national and cultural values’ expression of american cinematography through cinema titles



cinema, phenomenon, language, value, title, translation, culture


The purpose of this study is to display the key moral and ethical values of the culture of the people of the United States by broadcasting them in the titles of American films. The article presents a comparative analysis of the signs of the national type of behavior of Americans from Dick Devos' monograph “Rediscovering American Values” in 1997, which is reflected in the American linguoculture of the film industry. The material of the article was American film headlines collected by a continuous sampling method for the period from 2015 to 2022 of films released in the Russian box office. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify the dominant moral and ethical values of American culture through the prism of modern film titles. The obtained results help to form a general idea of the axiological system of the American people, the dominant moral and ethical qualities of the individual, verbalized through filmonyms.



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