Modern trends in the development of russian lexicography



dictionary, lexicography, applied linguistics, dictionary integration, dictionary differentiation, internet


The study is devoted to the description of the main trends identified in modern lexicography. It is noted that lexicography continues to be an applied, practical discipline, and the main task of lexicographers is still the compilation of dictionaries. Among the current trends stand out: the reprint of dictionaries, filling them with new, relevant, in a new way meaningful language material; the emergence of varieties of dictionaries based on two opposite trends - the combination (integration) of different types of dictionaries and their differentiation; creation of dictionaries of new types (linguoculturological, cognitive, frame, functional, etc.); transferring the dictionary to the Internet space. The advantages of Internet dictionaries in interactivity, dynamism. Indeed, only with the help of such living resources is it possible to create a dictionary of a truly modern language. After all, a printed publication, even the most modern, begins to become obsolete already in the process of transferring it to the printing house. For a modern dictionary, it is not enough to simply provide a minimum of dictionary information; an analysis based on one of the promising principles (word-centric, linguoculturological, cognitive, etc.) or a combination of them is important. There is an interest of modern lexicographers not just to the word, but to the word that functions in the language and performs certain roles in the text that serve to implement the author's intentions. It is concluded that the creation of dictionaries is a never-ending process in a developed society, whose members have realized their connections with the language, understood its role in their lives, and learned its changeable nature. Driven by scientific interests, the desire to fix some phenomenon of the language, and just curiosity, people will create dictionaries until civilization disappears.



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