The image-symbol of the wings in the tatar poetry second half of the twentieth century (on the example of Lena Shagyrziyan’s lyrics)



image-symbol, Tatar literature, lyrics, traditions, women’s poetry, Lena Shagyrziyan


The images-symbols of wings and birds are rooted in the depths of centuries, in folk art and are endowed with many functions. In this article, based on the material of Lena Shagirzyan's work, the semantic structure and features of the functioning of the image-symbol in the Tatar women's lyrics of the 1980-2010s are established. The considered images-symbols are found in poems of various periods of Shagirzyan's work; in her poetry she realized a huge complex of artistic semantics with deep mythopoetic overtones. In the artistic world of the author, the image of a bird incorporates both universal meanings and the traditions of national literature, is a symbolic expression of a poetic gift, inspiration, falling in love, youth, the expectation of love, the value of true love, etc. These images-symbols are woven into the individual and artistic world of Lena Shagirzyan, reflect the unique features of her aesthetic ideal, creativity and social position, and act as stable structural-semantic complexes. The symbolic meaning of certain types of birds, the colors of wings, based on archaic mythological concepts, become a kind of semantic core of the image, its semantic immutability.



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Literary criticism