Language teaching by linguodidactic methods through removing the language barrier



pedagogical science, psychological aspect, student, teaching, communicative method, contextual approach, future specialist


The presence of a large number of teaching methods does not always allow graduates of both linguistic and non-linguistic universities, even those with good language knowledge, to speak the languages they are studying relatively freely, especially in situations of spontaneous speech. The reason, in our opinion, is the fear of making a speech in different situations when solving a variety of communicative tasks. The phenomenon under consideration confirms the presence of the so-called language barrier that prevents effective foreign language communication between representatives of multilingual specialists. The purpose of the study was to try to introduce into the educational process such linguodidactic methods that could help to remove the language barrier as a psychological factor. The problem was studied by such domestic scientists as L.S. Vygotsky, I.A. Winter, A.N. Leontiev, N.D. Galskova, E.I. Passov, H.F. Makayev and others. A great contribution to the solution of the problem was made by the works of such foreign scientists as B. White, J. Bruner, W. Penfield, R. Roberts, T. Eliot, R. Clement, P. McIntyre, K. Noels and others. The study was based on a combination of the communicative method and the contextual approach by providing language learners with comprehensive support, in particular psychological, in thought formation, speech formation and speech production. All teaching methods and techniques were supported by the surprise approach, which determines the factor of spontaneous speech. The study was conducted on the basis of the implementation of all four types of speech activity. The results showed that a comfortable atmosphere, the role of a teacher in motivating students to learn a language by supporting their desire to achieve success, taking into account the personal, professional and linguistic qualities of students through the use of effective linguodidactic techniques, supported by psychological aspects, contribute to the practical implementation of the research goal and making a certain contribution to the theory of pedagogical science.


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Pedagogical Sciences