Principles of selection and application of multimedia technologies in the process of language competence formation in english classes at college title of article



multimedia technologies, competence-based approach, language competence, foreign language, linguistic competence, professional education


The modern global information space expands the possibilities of business, academic and personal contacts, which is why teaching foreign languagies is of particular importance in the world education system.The era of the pandemic has put educational institutions of all levels in front of the need to use multimedia and distance technologies, however, if information technologies have long been used in higher education in the preparation of students of all specialties and directions, then in specialized educational institutions the process of informatization began only a few years ago, therefore, works that reveal the potential of digitalization of the process of teaching separate disciplines in colleges and technical schools within the competence approach are undoubtedly relevant and new.This approach involves preparing students to make quick and non-standard decisions, to be able to work with an ever-increasing amount of information, with autonomy of actions and the creation of innovative projects.Russia takes into account the experience of advanced countries in the field of modernization of the education system, in particular, priority educational models were discussed at the conference in Paris, within the framework of the implementation of which the primary development of intellectual abilities of the individual, critical intelligence, the need for the formation of personal potential; quality education for all. In this regard, the object of the study is the process of forming the language competence of students in foreign language classes, the subject was multimedia educational resources that serve as a means of forming linguistic knowledge.The author offers a classification of freely available multimedia resources that will simplify the process of mastering a foreign language in every aspect of speech development. The obtained generalizations can be used in the practice of teaching English in secondary specialized educational institutions of various profiles.


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Pedagogical Sciences