Teaching dialogic speech skills in english in basic general education level



  • Galina Yatsenko
  • Amir Ergazin


dialogue, dialogic speech, system of exercises, teaching methods


In the modern world, students at the stage of basic general education need to have developed communication skills in English. Dialogic speech, being the main form of such communication, provides the key to understanding representatives of different cultures. In the era of rapid globalization, the ability to conduct a dialogue in an intercultural space is extremely valued. This is not only a personal value, but also a state value, because any state aims to educate an intelligent, cultured and competitive member of society. The aim of the study is to experimentally confirm or refute the effectiveness of a special system of exercises for teaching dialogic speech in English at the stage of basic general education. Based on the results of the study, we identified pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the formation and development of skills and abilities of dialogic speech at the stage of basic general education. The results of the study, tested experimentally, can be used by teachers of foreign languages, and in the development of special courses in pedagogical educational institutions that train specialists in this profile.


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Pedagogical Sciences