Language personality of an artistic character (based on the novel “the wanting seed” by Anthony burgess)


  • Denis Pavlov


linguistics, foreign languages, speech behavior, communicative personality, speech portrait


The issues of studying the linguistic personality of an artistic character occupy a special place in modern Russian linguistics, which develops within the framework of the anthropocentric paradigm. At the same time, when studying the language personality, both the communicative personality of the character and the image of the author himself are considered. Special attention in this article is paid to the relationship of such concepts as the linguistic personality and the image of the author within the framework of a work of art. For the study of the linguistic personality of the artistic character, an approach based on the theoretical and epistemological three-level model of the linguistic personality developed by Yu. N.Karaulov is proposed. It is the clear division of the structure of the linguistic personality into lexicon, thesaurus, and pragmaticon that helps to create a speech portrait of the character of a work of art and reveal him not only as a fictional lyrical hero, but also as a full-fledged linguistic personality. As a result, this analysis allows us to state the fact that the speech behavior and language units used in the hero's speech were created by the author to show the inner world of the artistic character. An additional conclusion is the fact that the emotional and psychological state of the hero is understood through a systematic analysis of not only the vocabulary used in the dialogues, but also depends on gender, social status, and upbringing.


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