Speech portrait of a teacher in Chinese linguoculture



  • Aigul Petunina


speech portrait, linguistic personality, linguopersonology, cultural linguistics, teacher, laoshi


Russian linguistics of the late XX – early XXI centuries. achieved significant results in the study of the personality represented in the language. The linguistic personality in linguistics is such a multifaceted, complex phenomenon that it undoubtedly requires a lot of attention from linguists.

This work contains an analytical review of such issues of linguistics as linguistic personalology, linguistic personality, speech portrait. Speech betrays the inner intelligence of a person, forcing him to admire, wonder, disappointment in his carrier. By speech, you can determine age, gender, profession, area of ​​residence, nationality, level of education and upbringing. The article describes the characteristic features of the professional speech portrait of the teacher's linguistic personality within the framework of Chinese culture, history and politics.

School and student years are a period of personality formation, its self-determination. It is impossible to overestimate the influence of the teacher on the formation of the student's personality. It's no secret that teachers in China enjoy great support from the state and society, and the teaching profession is considered very honorable and respected since the time of Confucius. Therefore, it is so important to study the linguistic personality of the teacher and compose his actual speech portrait.



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