Representation of the concept “музыка/musik” in Russian and German linguocultures



concept, linguoculturology, conceptual component, value component, figurative component, Russian linguoculture, German linguoculture


The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the concepts «музыка» / “Musik” in Russian and German linguocultures in the conceptual (based on lexicographic sources) and figurative (based on the results of a free associative experiment) aspects.

Concept is a key term of two relevant areas of modern linguistics – cognitive linguistics and linguoculturology. The problem of unambiguous interpretation of this term has not yet been resolved. There are two main approaches to the study of concepts – linguocognitive and linguocultural. The authors of the article combine these two approaches, understanding the concept as a mental formation (linguocognitive approach) reflecting in itself the elements of culture (linguocultural approach), consisting of core, near-core conceptual layers and periphery (linguocognitive approach), conceptual, value and figurative components (linguocultural approach).

The research of concepts is of great interest to the scientific community, because it allows to reveal the peculiarities of thinking of representatives of different linguocultures and specific national characteristics fixed in the language.

The main research results: the concepts «музыка» / “Musik” have similar definitions in Russian and German languages, have the same origin and are represented in the minds of representatives of Russian and German linguocultures in the same way, despite some individual differences in understanding related to the periphery of these concepts.



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