Essential and descriptive characteristics of the concept “ability for life self-determination of university students”


  • Inna Korneva


self-determination, abilities, personal self-determination, professional self-determination, life self-determination, university students


The article is concerned with one of the fundamental issues in modern Russian education sector respecting training competent and competitive professionals. For this reason it is necessary to develop advanced higher education organization approaches that would contribute to increase in such personal qualities, moral and social values that act as essential in contemporary culture. The relevance of the problem of developing the ability for life self-determination of university students also establishes the importance of solving the matter of self-determination and self-actualization of youth in modern conditions. This is due to the fact that the need for high-quality personal and professional formation of all subjects of educational process is high on the agenda. This is enormously important for such a social group as student youth.

The purpose of the article is to reveal and clarify the concept of the ability for life self-determination of university students. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study includes axiological, systematic, activity-oriented, personality-oriented and cultural approaches in education (A.G. Asmolov, E.V. Bondarevskaya, N.B. Krylova, V.V. Serikov, L.G. Yakimanskaya, O.S. Gazman, etc.), as well as research in the area of professional and life self-determination (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, N.S. Pryazhnikov, E.A. Klimov, A.E. Golomshtok, etc.). The theoretical significance of the article is in expanding the terminology of the problem of professional and personal self-determination of young people by clarifying the concept of university students ability for life self-determination. The practical significance attaches to the possibility of using the results and conclusions of the research in organizing the process of developing university students professional and personal self-determination. The research findings can be used in designing of the syllabus of elective courses on the Pedagogy of Subjectivity for university students, as well as advanced training courses for university teachers.


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Pedagogical Sciences