Problems of translation of English scientific texts in the sphere of geodesy


  • Natalya Sigacheva
  • Tatyana Marsheva


translation, geodesy, scientific text, scientific style, the


The relevance of the investigated problem is caused by the need of correct translation of authentic articles in geodesy from English into Russian. This article is focused on special features of geodetic terms translation. The leading approaches to the research of this problem are actualization, selection, systematization and generalization of foreign language translation methods and original source analysis. The article reveals that the problem of translating scientific texts in the sphere of geodesy is really relevant, and considers terms and phrases that require special attention while translating. The main result of the study is the analysis of selected series of word combinations, terms and abbreviations often used in the geodesic terminology and their verification of the correctness of translation from English into Russian with the help of a machine translator. The materials of the article can be useful both for students studying in the specialization of geodesy, and for students of other specializations, in order to expand their vocabulary and knowledge in this field.



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Kvasova, L.V. (2012). English language in the field of computer technology – Professional English for computing: tutorial. M.: KNORUS, 176 p. (In English)

Mitchell, H.C. (2018). Definitions of terms used in geodetic and other surveys. //URL: terms-pdf (accessed: 19.12.2018). (In English).

Shiyab, S. (2018). Translation: concepts and critical issues. // URL: issues_5a30d7061723dd4097e20e7d.html (accessed:19.12.2018). (In English)

Sigacheva, N.A., Baranova, A.R. (2018). Some language difficulties for translation authentic professionally-oriented texts on physics // 2018 IIOABJ Journal. Vol.9. Pp. 78–82. (In English)

Wright, S.E., Wright, Jr.L.D. (2018). Scientific and technical translation.

//URL: (accessed: 19.12.2018). (In English)





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