Language as a form of mind activity: learning factors


  • Elmira Nazmieva
  • Radmir Gabiev


university, student, learning, immersion factors, language learning, social nature of learning


Today, there is a trend of globalization, international relations are necessary, and therefore for more effective communication knowledge of languages is necessary, as well. In order to effectively learn languages, it is necessary to investigate the processes of communication and learning, as well as the related factors that can have a very high level of influence. The problem is a very complex way of obtaining information about the processes of knowledge, in principle, and the learning processes, in particular, especially difficult it is to obtain empirical data. A huge variety of factors, diversity of cultures and forms of human interaction, coupled with a lack of empirical research in this area, cause the problems of study and devalue their practical significance. The article presents data on research in the field of language learning, the processes occurring in the brain. Examples and cases are given to explain how modern science presents research in the field of learning, perception, and how language, thought processes, reason and factors affecting this set of issues are related. General modern approaches and data are described, a brief analysis of the data and comparison are given.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages