Background knowledge in teaching of a socio-political text translation (on the material of the Spanish newspapers)


  • Anna Mukhtarova


background knowledge, linguistics, linguistic and cultural approach, linguistic and cultural competence, student, translating/interpreting competence


The paper   deals   with   the   role   of   background   knowledge   in   building the translating/interpreting competence of the students majoring in Linguistics. Methods/analyses: the leading approach used by the authors is observation, collecting and analyzing the data received via the experiment. The authors mark the main problems: lack of attention to background knowledge in teaching methodology of translation in academic major of linguistics. The article is provided by the experiment carried out with the second-year students of the Kazan Federal University. The authors come to the conclusion that background knowledge is crucial for future translators/interpreters and provide recommendations and tools to improve the academic background knowledge acquisition process for the sake of better understanding between communication agents.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages