Linguadidactic capabilities of education informatization facilities


  • Natalia Yesenina


education informatization facilities, linguadidactic capabilities, multimedia, hypertext, hypermedia, telecommunications, virtual reality


The development of complex informatization and intensification of foreign language training without regard to education level and specialization depends on the full-fledged realization   of   linguadidactic   capabilities    of    education    informatization    facilities.    Some of the information and communications facilities (ICT) facilities are depicted in the works of foreign and Russian scientists. Previous studies fairly indicate that multimedia, hypertext, hypermedia, telecommunications, virtual reality have unique functionalities; and, they, as technical education informatization facilities, are highly perspective from the linguodidactical point of view. However, to the author’s best knowledge, the linguodidactical capabilities of these technical facilities have been scarcely investigated systematically. The purpose of this very manuscript is to formulate the linguadidactic   capabilities   of   education   informatization   facilities   regard to functionalities of multimedia, hypertext, hypermedia, telecommunications, virtual reality, to disclose the linguadidactic potential of technical facilities and to show interdependence between ICT and speech communication. As the result of investigation, the linguadidactic analysis of every technical education informatization facility, taking individually, are presented. The contemprorary approaches to the essence interpretation of individual technical education informatization facilities, their capabilities, advantages, disadvantages and the prospects of development are revealed. Their linguadidactic potential in modelling of foreign language speech communication situations and interconnected speech activities training are pointed out. In conclusion, eleven linquadidactic capabilities of education informatization facilities, creating the necessary prerequisites for foreign language training enhancement are presented.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages