Strategies for effective foreign language perception


  • Galina Abrosimova
  • Irina Kondrateva


foreign language studying, language learning strategies, conscious and subconscious use of strategies, language skills, cognitive and metacognitive skills, results of learning


Knowing foreign languages has become one of the most priority skills in modern world. As teachers we are working on finding ways to help our students with this task and provide them with good language skills. Studying a language is an active and dynamic process; during foreign language studying students have to process enormous amounts of different kinds of information and new material and use different strategies. This article presents a recap of language learning strategies’ background, analysis of works of Russian and foreign scholars concerning this issue and classification of language learning strategies. Also the article points out conscious and subconscious use of strategies mentioned above, the importance and capacity of previous cognitive and metacognitive skills of language learners and their utility during the language learning process and their benefits regarding results of foreign language acquisition. The set of most effective strategies for language learning is given in the article.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages