Regarding the translation of stylistic devices from the Spanish into the Russian language


  • Olga Palutina


translation, lexical-grammatical transformations, stylistic means, equivalent, divergence of language systems, culture differences


The article analyzes the translation transformations used in the Russian translation of Carlos Ruiz Safon's "The Angel's Game". The novels of Safon, one of the most widely read European authors, are the product of a literary experiment that resulted in the coexistence of several genres and styles in the same work. The above-mentioned determines the relevance of the present study, confirming that for an adequate translation of the means of artistic expressiveness of the metaphorical group, it is necessary to resort to lexical, lexical-semantic and grammatical translation transformations. It was found that during the translation of idiomatic expressions the most frequent translation transformation is calque, the least-used transformation is replacement. Due to the differences in the syntactic structures and structures of the Spanish and Russian languages systems, in certain cases there was a need for a holistic transformation of sentences or replacement of a particular part of the speech by another one.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication