Linguistic analysis of chemical terms in medicine


  • Khanif Makayev
  • Guzal Makayeva


structural, semantic, prosodic, term, language, chemical, medical, analysis


In the context of globalization, the emergence of a large number of specialized vocabularies due to the intensive development of science in all fields makes it necessary to study and systematize them in order to avoid their misuse. In this regard, the study of terms from the point of view of structural-semantic, prosodic, as well as orthographic approaches to their analysis becomes extremely necessary. The methodological basis of solving the problem under discussion was a comparative analysis of the structural and semantic features of some chemical and medical terms in the Russian and English languages. The use of comparative and contrastive analysis of the indicated features made it possible to identify them most efficiently in the languages under consideration. The study showed that there are significant discrepancies in the interpretation, structure, pronunciation and spelling of the same English-Russian terms in the areas under consideration, which makes it difficult for their adequate use. The research results were applied in practical classes in English; the identification of all differences and inconsistencies in both languages determined the possibility of correct use of the terms under the study by the students-participants of the research as well as some contribution to linguistic and pedagogical science.


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