Cross-cultural specifics of training translation / intepreting


  • Anastasia Ageeva
  • Marina Lukina


education, the French language, Linguistics, translation, regional culture, education technologies


This study proves the feasibility of analyzing the means of transmitting a regional cultural specific character in the framework of foreign language teaching at a linguistic university as one of the key elements of training for translators and interpreters.

The principle of regionalization is one of the main strategies of education development, the implementation of which signifies a new stage in the formation of the elective component in modern Russian education. Wide development of tourism and sports infrastructure in the Republic of Tatarstan, being one of the most popular constituent entities of the Russian Federation from this perspective, dictates certain requirements to modify the content of language education through the study of cultural and linguistic specificity of the region. At the same time the main purpose of realization of the regional component in a language university educational practice is the training of Linguistics Degree students the basis of the ethnic culture through the prism of a foreign language with its simultaneous inclusion into the set of world common cultural and moral values: understanding and respect of foreign culture, leniency and religious tolerance. Owing to the introduction of the regional component in the practice of language



training for students-translators, there can be observed several advantages: wider common cultural and linguistic world view of students, development of skills for the self-guided work, perfecting of abilities for contrastive analysis and synthesis of the material.

The system characteristic of implementation methods of regional elements of cultural and humane terms for the training of students-translators/interpreters has been worked out on the basis of French language teaching. This paper also presents a comparative analysis of different types of in-class and extra-curricular activities with Linguistics Degree students and the corresponding results.

The findings may be used by foreign language teachers at secondary school and higher educational institutions, as well as by students, graduates and post-graduates researching foreign language teaching methodology.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages