Interpretation of “the lord of the rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien in Russia as exemplified in “The excursion” by B. And N. Zhukovy


  • Ellina Shustova


J.R.R. Tolkien, B. and N. Zhukovy, the Tolkien tradition, interpretation, the dialogue of national literatures


The article touches upon the dialogue of national literatures, namely British and Russian ones. It reviews the connection between “The Excursion” short story by B. and N. Zhukovy and “The Lord of the Rings” novel by J.R.R. Tolkien on all structural levels. The authors of the short story used the novel as a base and modelled the situation which appears to be hypothetically possible in terms of “The Lord of the Rings” imaginary world. The study has shown that B. and N. Zhukovy follow the Tolkien tradition. Resemblance between issues addressed, interpretation of images indicate that. The difference can be conditioned by personal interpretation of the matter and also by the authors` aims, which are not only about representing the Middle-earth changed, but also about relating it to current situation.



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Жуков Б.Б., Жукова Н.Б. Экскурсия // Magister Ludi. 2004. № 7. C. 84–100.

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Толкин Дж. Р.Р. Властелин Колец: Пер. с англ. В. Муравьева, А. Кистяковского. М: ЭКСМО-Пресс, Изд-во Яуза, 2002. 992 с.


Tolkien, J.R.R. Selected Letters: Trans. from English by K. Korolev // Tolkien, J.R.R. The Silmarillion. M.: AST; SPb.: Terra Fantastica, 2002. Pp. 527–542. (in Russian).

Tolkien J.R.R. The Lord of the Rings. Trans. from English by V. Muraviev, A.Kistyakovsky. M.: EKSMO-Press, Izd-vo Jauza, 2002. 992 p.(in English).

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Zhykov, B.B., Zhukova, N.B. The Excursion // Magister Ludi. 2004. № 7. Pp. 84 –100. (in Russian).





Literary criticism