The linguistic features of postmodernism noveland its translation specificity (the case of the novel “generation “Р” by Victor Pelevin and its translation by A. Bromfield)


  • Anna Kirpichnikova


postmodernism, Victor Pelevin, language game, rewriting, mix of styles


The article considers the linguistic features of postmodernism novel using the example of the literary work

«Generation “P” » by Victor Pelevin. Firstly, the idea about the impossibility of new style invention and the necessity of different styles combination. The novel is full of different jargon words, idioms and even scientific terms which are used all together creating unique style. It is important that in postmodernism literature good or bad words or styles do not exist; they are all equal. Secondly, the idea of language game. There are two levels of representing this idea: the mix of styles and the loss of figurativeness by phraseological units. Moreover, the novelis full of references to other stories and poems and in this case, we can speak about “rewriting” as a common method of postmodernism.

The language game and intertextuality are really difficult things to translate so the author analyses the novel’s translation by Andrew Bromfield.



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Literary criticism