"Byt" and "being" Russian manor in G.R. Derzhavin’s poetry


  • Irina Abramovskaya
  • Ksenia Egorova
  • Tatyana Knyazeva


Poetry Derzhavin, Russian manor, domestic behavior, poetic opposition, the concept of everyday life, life- building


The article analyzes the concept of everyday life of the Russian manor, concluded in the poetry of G.R. Derzhavin: the coexistence of "spiritual" and "physical", philosophical, social, everyday plans. Philosophical arguments about the transience of all that exists in the lyrics of Derzhavin emphasize the significance of momentary being. Oppositions "city / village", "glory / freedom", "service / happy living", "true and false" wealth are declared. The article explains the concepts that are important in Derzhavin's aesthetics: “peace”, “freedom”, “happiness”. It turns out that the poet comes to the understanding of true freedom through the realization of the need to improve the “outer” life through the improvement of the “inner” life, and then every moment experienced through the artistic word becomes part of eternity



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Literary criticism