Draupadi’s image as a symbol of call to action in Indian culcure


  • Rimma Sabirova
  • Diana Tyabina


epic, Sanskit epos, Mahabharata, Draupadi, female image


The monumentality, abundance of characters, and rich story (plot) lines in Indian epic works attract different layers of people. The amount of scientific papers on the Indian epic is large, but there are still a lot of «white spots» to research. The questions raised in the article about the role of women in Indian culture are also relevant at the present time and require thorough study. The object of the research in the article is the Sanskrit epos «Mahabharata» (1988 and 2013). The subject of the research is the image of Draupadi, the main heroine of the work, in the Indian epic and filmmaking. Using the comparative method, the authors of the article aim to analyze its image in cinema and epic, the way it was transformed in modern filmmaking, and try to understand what needs of society such a transformation responds to. The image of Draupadi can be described as acting, dynamic, calling on society to be active in human relations.



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Literary criticism