To the issue of the comparative study of the tatar and English place names with the religious component


  • Ildar Akhmetzyanov
  • Narkiz Mullagaliev


toponyms, the UK, the Republic of Tatarstan, comparative study, genetically unrelated languages, religion, cultural and moral values, life style


This article deals with the issue of toponyms containing the components of religious nature, found in the territory of Great Britain and the Republic of Tatarstan in a comparative aspect. As part of this work, the analysis of place names with a religious component is conducted on the point of view of the linguistic and cultural-moral values of the peoples of England and Tatarstan. Toponymic system was formed in difficult natural-geographical, historical, linguistic and dialectical conditions. The history of the settlement of the region full of events with complex and long-standing contacts with different peoples, and diverse territory with all its features could not but affect the character of place names. Features of the landscape, flora and fauna, the names of long-standing tribes and peoples, the names of the first settlers and owners, features of socio- economic and cultural life, and other factors became the basis for the formation of toponyms. As a result of a long historical process, a complex toponymic system has emerged in the form of an overlay of place names, often of different linguistic origin. The study reveals features of religion, religious affiliation and life style. Being genetically unrelated languages, English and Tatar reveal common ground in the formation, development and functioning of toponyms.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication