Genre and generic differentiation of language creativity on the internet and runet


  • Olga Melnikova


internet folklore, network literature, internet, Runet, verbal creativity, genres, communication, folklore features


The work is devoted to the problem of differentiation of the modern verbal art, existing on the internet and Runet. On the basis of the conducted research it is offered to allocate two forms of verbal creativity presented on the web – folklore and literature. The task is to analyze the distinctive features of these phenomena in order to point out their genre and generic dissimilarity.

The article explains the concepts of "internet folklore" and "network literature", and dwells on general characteristics of both occurrences. The study of the characteristic features of literary and folklore works placed on the internet revealed their kinship and common features conditioned by the virtual format, which prevent researchers from clearly distinguishing these phenomena from one another. Particular attention is drawn to the constitutive features of the internet folklore, which prove that this phenomenon of modern culture is unique and independent.

The question of genre-generic division of the verbal art remains open and requires further research.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication