Lacunas of tatar culture specific notions in English


  • Gulnara Nurtdinova


equivalent, non-equivalent vocabulary, reality, lacuna, semantic distance coefficient


Due to the low degree of development of the Tatar reality by the English linguoculture, there is a problem of translating the works of Tatar literature and folklore into English, in order to familiarize the world community with it. One of the translation problems is the problem of translation Tatar cultural concepts into English. To solve this problem, the task to create an English explanatory dictionary of Tatar cultural concepts has been set. The article presents a fragment of the draft of the English explanatory dictionary of the lexical-semantic group “Household Realties” and the calculation of semantic distance coefficient for this group as an indicator of the degree of remoteness of the concept-spheres. During the study, the methods of component and comparative analyses have been used. The semantic distance coefficient for this group made up 8.1, whereas for the ‘Family’ group it made 8.57, for the ‘Food’ group - 9.93, for the ‘Measures and Money’ group 12.7 and for the ‘Religion’ group 12.44. These figures show the degree of remoteness of the concept spheres. The least coincidence of concepts can be observed in the concept sphere “Religion”, which can be explained by different conditions of historical development.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication