Foreign languages in the process оf higher education internationalization


  • Alina Shakirova


foreign language, internationalization, higher education, student, academic mobility


The article considers the place of foreign languages in the higher education integration processes. Academic mobility of students is a key component of higher education institutions and ensures mutually beneficial cooperation between universities in different countries. Mobility indicators play an important role in the university rankings and increase their competitiveness. However, students participating in mobility programs face a number of obstacles, including financial, personal, language and others. Foreign language proficiency is one of the basic conditions for participation in mobility programs. Today, English is the language of academic mobility, since more than half of the “mobile” students use it during their participation in mobility programs. The article provides examples of some European countries on the problem of insufficient language training of students planning to participate in mobility programs, as well as ways to solve this problem. Certainly, the results of this study can be used by international departments of higher education institutions in creating mobility programs for their students, as well as training courses to participate in these programs.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages