The role of the comprehensive approach to the memorizing of words of a foreign language in the modern it space


  • Olga Morozova


linguistics, , memorizing foreign words, psychological pedagogy, methods of teaching foreign languages, self-reflection in learning foreign languages, mnemotechnics, mnemonics, mnemonist, IT in the study of foreign languages


The relevance of this work is related to the focus on solving one of the most important problems of pedagogy - searching an effective way to memorize lexical units of a foreign language, which is due to a sharp increase in people's contacts with modern IT technologies. It is supposed to address the problem of the frequent use of IT-applications with the usual method of mastering a foreign language and see what effect this program has on memorization, what its parameters are significant in remembering, and whether a full replacement of textbooks with an IT application is appropriate. As a result of the work, the idea was confirmed that the use of exclusively IT-programs does not increase the level of language proficiency, or allow to master the grammatical structure of a foreign language or take into account the stylistic features and all semantic meanings of a word or a phrase. To learn and teach a foreign language successfully, it is necessary to use a wide range of ways to memorize foreign words, including IT technologies, especially   valuable   ones   that   are   applications   for   mastering   the   narrow   focus   of   one of the phenomena of a foreign language.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages