The impact of the potential of a foreign language on the process of life self-determination of a university student


  • Inna Korneva


life self-determination, university, student, foreign language, vocational training


Pedagogical potential of a foreign language is an important component in the development of the ability to life self-determination among university students. This potential aims results in case when the goal-setting of personal and professional self-determination of youth in educational space is fully implemented. It is also effective if students’ motivation to adopt other cultures is combined with their self-education, that will lead to a synthesis of the characteristics and peculiarities of their personality in the direction towards the realization of their capabilities, emerged in individuality. It is important to note that the process of accelerating a student’s self-development   towards   self-actualization   may   become   of   real   importance if a university teacher constantly pays attention to the spiritual development of university students, nurturing in them awareness of the significance   of their education   and   the   need to accept universal human values. Also, the potential of a foreign   language has an   impact on the development of a student's ability to consciously comprehend being, and this process will be more effective if a teacher constantly brings students to the idea of the importance of confirming their intellectual and spiritual competences.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages