Intertext in media analytics: pragmatics of translation


  • Yuliya Chemeteva


intertextuality, intertext, allusion, analytical article on legal issues, media discourse, legal discourse, media analytics


The article examines the forms of intertextuality in the genre of analytical article on legal issues, which is a product of the interaction of media discourse as a basic one and legal discourse as a projective one. In analytical articles on legal issues, intertextuality, as a rule, is manifested in references to other analytical articles, information materials, reports, interviews, where the topic is covered in more detail, as well as in references to various regulatory legal acts, documents, court decisions, precedents, to legal doctrine provisions, etc. The forms of intertextuality in analytical articles on legal issues are conditioned by the discursive characteristics of the genre. Based on the narrow understanding of intertextuality as a manifestation of explicit references to specific texts, the author proposes a conditional division into implicit (requiring additional knowledge and creative thinking in the decoding process) and explicit (obvious to the recipient without thoughtful reading, graphically marked) forms of intertextuality in the genre of analytical article on legal issues. The paper considers examples from English-language analytical articles on legal issues illustrating various forms of intertextuality from the point of view of translation pragmatics. The author emphasizes the relevance of studying explicit forms of intertextuality as a promising area of ​​research in the field of discourse with the possibility of using information technologies and machine algorithms.


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