Development of reflexive and cross-cultural potential of students


  • Irina Kondrateva


reflection, cross-cultural training, development of the personality, training foreign languages in higher education institution


Issues of development of reflexive and cross-cultural potential of students in the course of linguistic education are considered in the paper. Foreign language teaching and learning in close connection with its cultural context allows developing language subjectivity. The methodology of a research is based   on   the   theory of   cross-cultural   communication and the theory of teaching languages and cultures. During the research A. Lakeyn, V.V. Stolin and S.R. Panteleev's techniques were applied. Results of the research have shown that the dynamics of indicators of reflexive and cross-cultural potential students’ development demonstrated that the level of subjectivity has increased up to 84,5%.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages